4D Analytics

Applying the Model

We can apply the model to existing data to see what it looks like.

To do this, select a date range in the appropriate section of the model pane.

Then click on the ‘Load Analysis’ button.

This chart shows us the raw data for both dependent and independent points for the specified data range. Superimposed on this are three further traces indicating what the expected values would be for the dependent variable based on the model.

The chart control allows us to click on the legend to hide/show individual lines. Clicking on the independent variable in the legend hides it, allowing us to clearly see where the actual data for the dependent variable exceeds what the model would predict the values should be:

If a State Point has been assigned to the model, a State drop-down list will be displayed on the graph toolbar, allowing the results for each state to be displayed. Note the graph will change, but that the results in the Stats pane will not change and the summary of results will be shown covering all states.